Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Should You Hire a Wedding Coordinator?

So he asked and you said yes! Or if you were like me you uttered a tearful "I'm not wearing waterproof mascara!" But, regardless of your answer, as long as it was some sort of yes, you are starting to feel the enormity of it all.
So you wonder: Should I hire someone to coordinate my wedding? A numerous amount of Brides have pondered this same question. What about you?
In this article I will discuss how hiring a WC (you know, Wedding Coordinator for the benefit of brevity) can save you time, money, and quite possibly a little thing I like to call sanity.

First, STRESS! (Yes this word needs all caps and an exclamation point.) How do you begin to work out all the details while holding down a 9 to 5 job? A WC will meet with prospective vendors and do all the foot work for you. This doesn't mean you lose control of your vision of the perfect wedding, it only means someone else will carry that vision out for you. Nice huh? 

Second, MONEY. (No exclamation, just period.) Whether you are a Bride looking to have the biggest bash in town or are looking to have a more budget friendly wedding, a coordinator is the way to go. You may think you will save money by doing it all yourself, or having Aunt Sarah take over this elite duty. But, you can actually save money by hiring a WC to find you the best deals and discounts from top professionals.

Third, TIME. You work, you plan, you may even want to enjoy yourself during this hectic time. ( Crazy, I know) By hiring a WC, your time will be better spent with your sweetheart instead of stressing about whether you need to call the Caterer. This is an important time in your life, the engagement moves quickly so enjoy it while you can.

And fourth, the dreaded Wedding MISHAPS. (Gasp here) Yes, it happens. I won't lie, it can even happen a lot. The Cake toppled onto Grandma Lorraine, or the flower girl is refusing to walk down the aisle with ewww an icky boy. These things will happen. But, if you hired a WC, these problems won't affect you. The Coordinators job is to see to it that your wedding day goes off flawlessly without a hitch. (well at least one hitch I hope)

Regardless of your decision, your wedding will all come together. But, by hiring a Wedding Coordinator it may just come together a little more smoothly.

Written by Leah Steed of Lsteedphotography

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